Name: Dusty Armond (In-Game Char: Soth)
Age: 19
Country: USA
Gender: Male
Language(S): English and a little Spanish
How many hours a week will you be able to devote towards GMing? Every hour that I'm out of school which is 35 hours during the week and all day on the weekends.
Which Time Zone are you in? (i.e.: EST): Central Pacific
What time (SERVER TIME) will you be able to GM? (i.e.: 3pm-1am server): Anytime
Do you have a working Mic and Vent/Skype?: Yepp. Built in to my computer
Are you going on any kind of vacation or Hiatus within the next month?: Nope.
About yourself: I have good experience as a GM. I have been a GM on a few different servers as well as a couple of my friend's servers, including GM servers (if that counts xD). I also try to get on WoW as much as possible because I know that a server will prosper greatly with active GMs.
Why do you think you'll be a good GM?: I love to help people and, as a GM, thats what is required.
What do you expect from becoming a GM?: To make sure the server runs smoothly by helping others and by solving problems
Which server is the best?: Ummm..... Are you serious?? GRAVITY WOW!!!